Five years ago, a master program called Educational Techniques in Virtual Environments was developed in my faculty. Due to my experience in computer programming,
I conceived several courses related to LSM platforms and Augmented Reality used in e-learning platforms. During this period, few scientific papers and books for students were published, emphasizing the start of the A & VR activity in our faculty.
· Books (in Romanian):
o Ghinea, M., Deac, C., Deac, G. – Teoria şi concepţia platformelor e-Learning, Ed. BREN, Bucureşti, 2015, ISBN 978-606-610-162-2, Cod CNCSIS B+ 96, 160 pag.
o Ghinea, M., Deac, C., Deac, G. – Realizarea platformelor e-Learning, Ed. BREN, Bucureşti, 2015, ISBN 978-606-610-163-9, Cod CNCSIS B+ 96, 140 pag.
· Articles:
o Ghinea, M., Deac, G.C., Georgescu, C.N. (2016) – Improving the Quality of Image in Virtual Reality Applications for Industry, in International Journal of Computers, 1, pp 284-289, ISSN: 2367-8895
o Ghinea, M., Deac, G.C., Georgescu, C.N. (2017) - Training Application for Industries by Means of VR tech, WSEAS Transactions on Computer Research, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1991-8755 / 2415-1521, Volume 5, 2017, Art. #6, pp. 42-50
“ We want to translate the technology from entertainment to industry”
Since then, in order to make a team, we have been selecting students who understand the importance of the virtual environment and virtual experiences for industry and manufacturing. This has to be translated from the entertainment industry to the factory of the XXI-th century.
Since 2006, I have been collaborating with ENSAM Cluny for the Double Diploma program, therefore I became aware of the entire activity of the Institute Image from Chalone sur Saone (one of my students, Dinu Frunză, graduated in 2009 the DD program with a final thesis Perception des distances egocentrique dans les systems de visualization virtuelles: HDM et MoVETM .run on the Institute Image).
Thus, last year I decided to contact their officials responsible of the academic and research programs for starting a more targeted collaboration on applicative research
(but also for academic programs). During May 2016, a working visit was organized.
The participants were: professor Frédéric Merienne, Directeur scientifique de l'Institut Image, Jean-Remy Chardonnet in charge with master & doctoral programs, Gicu Călin Deac (now, a PhD student) and myself. It concluded that our faculty must develop a V&AR lab dedicated to the industrial applications.
As a consequence, we founded the lab AVRENG (Augmented and Virtual Reality for Engineering). Its main objectives for the following 2-3 years are: - to integrate this lab in the university strategy, and to connect it with the national and international applicative research networks; - to attract funds in order to develop the lab infrastructure;
- to identify the Romanian industries using or going to use this kind the technology in their industrial processes;
- to create a background of A&VR presence within our faculty, appealing to students which should be motivated to enroll for our faculty’s programs;
- the lab to became an important partner of the Institute Image, and for that we try to develop our strategy according to theirs’.
Lab AVRENG already developed a project based on holographic system for telepresence and it purchased a virtual immersion system based on Oculus Rift glasses, which means that we can start the real research. In November 2016, Jean-Remy Chardonnet visited both our university and department. He understood the philosophy of our new scientific way, our goals, and he met two PhD students etc.